Bye Bye Flexible LOM, Hello OCP Adapters As HPE is transitioning to the new Gen10 Plus models for the new Intel Ice Lake chipset, they are also abandoning their proprietary FLR or FlexibleLOM adapters and instead servers will need to utilize OCP or Open Compute...
865414-B21 and 830272-B21 HPE Proliant Power Supplies Throw Caution Messages. Why is it happening? What to do about it. Recently Avarisource has noticed that HPE is in the process of using a newer revision of power supplies while using the original part number...
Using 9 to 16 Drives In Your Server? Don’t Use A SAS Expander Do This Instead. When buying a new server where the solution requires between 9-16 hard drives, and your quote has a SAS expander on it, you should ask your reseller to requote it using a higher end...